About The EIS
The proposed Federal action, taken under 25 U.S.C. § 415, is BIA’s approval of a solar energy ground lease and associated agreements entered into by the Moapa Band with 325MK 8me LLC (Applicant), a subsidiary of 8minutenergy. The agreements provide for construction, operation and maintenance (O&M), and decommissioning of a 300 megawatt (MW) alternating current solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation facility located entirely on the Moapa River Indian Reservation and specifically on lands held in trust by BIA for the Moapa Band.
A proposed 230 kilovolt (kV) generation-tie transmission line required for interconnection of the solar project would be located on Tribal lands, Federal lands administered and managed by BLM, and private lands. The BIA and BLM would approve rights-of-way (ROWs) authorizing the construction and operation of the transmission line. Together, the proposed solar energy facility, transmission line, and other associated facilities will make up the proposed solar project (Project).
The objectives of the EIS will be to (1) provide agency decision makers, the Moapa Band, and the general public with a comprehensive understanding of the impacts of the proposed Project and alternatives on the Reservation and nearby lands; (2) describe the cumulative impacts of increased development on the Reservation; and (3) identify and propose mitigation measures that would minimize or prevent significant adverse impacts. Consistent with these objectives, the EIS will analyze the proposed Project and appurtenant features, viable alternatives including generation-tie routing options, modified footprint alternatives, alternate routing for other Project ROWs, and the No Action alternative. Other alternatives may be identified in response to issues raised during the scoping process.